Young son and girlfriend are exploring the possibilities of home ownership now ... posing lots of questions, many of which I cannot answer. They are tired of renting, have some $$ saved towards a down payment, and want to start looking. I am encouraging them to keep all of their options open, and not concentrate on any one particular area. They tend to have expensive taste, or get something in their heads, and it's tough to talk them out of these things (like their hell-bent desire to rent a brownstone in downtown Albany ... yes, it's a nice area but parking is an issue as well as traffic, etc.). But they are asking questions, and seem willing to listen.
Union dinner tonight to discuss the state budget and what it might mean to all of us ... personally I'd prefer forgoing my 3% raise and agreeing to the payroll lag if that means keeping everyone working! We shall see ... update on the meeting ... nothing really new, but I am convinced that there are a lot of, well, not-so-bright individuals working in my building. Why can't they just listen to what's being said? Why do they ask questions which require a one-on-one answer 'cause it's specific to their situation? Why ask things that the speaker has already told you about? Oh yeah, they had 'door prizes' ... hahahahaha, union tee shirts, hats, and windbreakers. But the Italian buffet was decent (very surprising).
Union dinner tonight to discuss the state budget and what it might mean to all of us ... personally I'd prefer forgoing my 3% raise and agreeing to the payroll lag if that means keeping everyone working! We shall see ... update on the meeting ... nothing really new, but I am convinced that there are a lot of, well, not-so-bright individuals working in my building. Why can't they just listen to what's being said? Why do they ask questions which require a one-on-one answer 'cause it's specific to their situation? Why ask things that the speaker has already told you about? Oh yeah, they had 'door prizes' ... hahahahaha, union tee shirts, hats, and windbreakers. But the Italian buffet was decent (very surprising).
And why am I so intrigued by this video game? (see picture) It's not a new game, in fact it's several years old! But I am drawn to the story line, and various you tube videos! Sheesh ...
Lastly ... order a Wii yesterday along with the Wii Fit bundle. Should arrive next week. J says that the weather will get nice once it arrives, and she's probably right. But I think it will be fun.